Discipleship & Groups
At Relentless, we believe in the power of relationships and have a desire to see people grow their relationship with Jesus and with each other. Whether that is through our seasonal small groups, our Men and Women’s Huddles, a retreat, or other opportunities throughout the year, we hope you will embrace the opportunity to meet new people, study God’s word, engage in accountability and discussion, and grow in your faith. For more information about groups and discipleship opportunities contact: Raf@relentlesschurch.cc
This is a monthly gathering open to all Relentless Men who want to grow spiritually and relationally. Huddles will consist of fellowship time, large group teaching, and smaller “TEAM” discussions. TEAM is an acronym for Training, Encouragement and Accountability, all for the purpose of Maturing in Christ. Our goal is for every man at Relentless to be a part of a TEAM, and for those TEAMs to stay connected in between monthly Huddles by continuing to meet together, sharing, serving, and praying for one another throughout the month.
Join us from 6:30 – 8:00pm on the second Monday of every month:
STUDY: Fighting to be a Man of God. In this six-part small group study designed for men, Dr. Kim Kimberling and Pastor Craig Groeschel talk about taking steps to become the man of God you were created to be. Each part has a short video, a short reading, and application questions.
- Part 1 – How to be a Warrior in Your Marriage
- Part 2 – Dealing with Anger and Fighting for a Cause
- Part 3 – Lust, Entitlement, and Pride
- Part 4 – Men and Emotions
- Part 5 – Small Steps that Lead to Big Destruction
- Part 6 – Saying “Yes” to Your Spouse
- Monday, April 15 – Introduction to Huddles & Study
- Monday, May 20 – The Start of a Process (33:17)—In this first session, Priscilla introduces us to Elijah, a man of fiery faith. We often consider the exciting chapters of Elijah’s story and the great things God did through his life. But before his courageous cry on Mt. Carmel, God took Elijah through a process of sometimes painful growth. In seasons, God does the same with each and every one of His children, so we can be used to bring glory to Him in this generation.
- Monday, June 17 – Week 2: Preparation by Separation (37:11)—As we journey with Elijah to the brook at Cherith, Priscilla explains that God often initiates new seasons of ministry by calling us to step away from what we have known. While these seasons of separation may seem painful, they often usher us into a deeper relationship with God and show us what it feels like to be cared for by God alone.
- Monday, July 15 – Dealing with Deficiency (38:21)—Elijah is on to another challenge, this time with a widow in Zarephath. Priscilla unpacks what the story of this widow and God’s intervention in her life have to teach us about dealing with deficiency in our own hearts and homes.
- Monday, August 19 – Don’t Drop the Ball (29:01)—Priscilla explains the impact Obadiah had as the bridge-builder between King Ahab and Elijah and the way his influence carried forward God’s purposes. In a similar way, we are called to carry God’s message to the generations to come. When God volleys His will and purposes in our lives, we as a family of faith can’t drop the ball.
- Monday, September 16 – Inviting the Fire (39:01)—We now join Elijah’s story as he stands on the summit of Mount Carmel. As we read about His intentional cry to God and God’s faithful response, Priscilla challenges us to walk forward with intentionality, boldness, and prayer in the challenges of life and the kingdom assignments God has for us.
- Monday, October 21 – Do You Hear What I Hear? (34:16)—As we read through 1 Kings 18, Priscilla leads us to a deeper understanding of how we can walk by faith and not sight. As we live through difficult circumstances in our own lives and the lives of those around us, we can persevere by asking God to show us the spiritual truths and promises that are as unchanging as God’s character.
- Monday, November 18 – Faith, Failure, and a Future (13:41)—As we close our study of Elijah, we leave in the middle of his story. Elijah will go on to live, and sadly, many of his later actions fall short of obedience to God. Just as the heroes of the faith like Elijah, the people around us aren’t perfect. In fact, they never were meant to be. The faithful men and women of the Bible and in our lives are always meant to point us to Jesus—the only perfect man that’s ever lived. With this hope in Christ, we remember that God’s not done writing our stories. May we be found faithful witnesses to God’s goodness in the next chapter.
- April 15th meeting will be an introduction meeting. Raf will attend class overall vision for RC
Our next round of small groups will be in the Fall. A great way to stay informed about upcoming events is through our What’s Happening page here and by subscribing to our Relentless email.

Email Us
1540 Mechanical Blvd
Garner, NC 27529
(4 miles from downtown Raleigh)