At Relentless, we don’t have members, we have Partners. A partner at Relentless Church is a baptized follower of Jesus Christ who wholeheartedly supports the mission. Our mission is to reach the untold and unconvinced with the gospel of Jesus!
We are becoming a gospel centered, forever focused church that is part of the multiethnic church movement. Specifically, partners commit to these 5 areas in order to partner with the gospel work at Relentless:
- SHOW: A partner prioritizes Sunday morning and shows up with an anticipation for the Lord to work.
- GROW: A partner desires to grow spiritually, meaning their faith increases and their lives change.
- BRING: A partner is a bringer. From the very beginning of our church, our growth has been a result of people inviting people. Partners lead the way and have a passion to bring people to church and help them on their spiritual journey. Partners also go out of their way to create a welcoming, loving environment for others who have been brought.
- SERVE: A partner at his/her core is compelled by the love of Christ to serve. This church will be built on the gospel and selfless hearts, people who have chosen to live for Jesus instead of themselves.
- GIVE: A partner invests financially in the ministry of Relentless Church. Through consistent dependable giving, a partner funds the mission of Relentless Church by working towards giving a tithe, or 10% of their income to the church. Because giving is not a duty but an act of worship, partners are free to give any offerings above and beyond the tithe if they so choose. Partners will lead our church in financial sacrifice for the good of the cause, and the church and pastor will be accountable to the partners for how the funds are being used to accomplish the mission to which God has called us.

Welcome 2 Relentless
Join us for a one-night orientation of all things Relentless Church. Learn who we are, where we came from, what’s important, and steps you can take when you are ready.
My identity is in my adoption. Who I am is completely wrapped in WHOSE I am.
Email Us
1540 Mechanical Blvd
Garner, NC 27529
(4 miles from downtown Raleigh)